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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

why? why not!

"Why would you sell all your stuff and leave behind your family, friends, and everything you know to travel the country in a giant van?"

No, this is not a question one of my friends, family members, or co-workers have asked me recently, it's actually one that I often ask myself...

I certainly didn't have a "sheltered" upbringing by any means. I have an enormous and close-knit extended family, have always had a lot of friends, and have followed through (or at least put forth a really decent effort!) at anything I've willed myself to do. I haven't even spent much time thinking about living a life of travel until pretty recently, within the last couple years or so.

Besides what I feel is the somewhat obvious reason (this country is huge and filled with stuff I wanna see, so why not go see it?), there are definitely other things that are pushing me to go explore...

Reason to go #1: I've known quite a few people who have dropped everything they're doing to hit the open road, and their stories and experiences have done nothing short of completely blow my mind. The picture that gets painted in my head of how insanely fun and life-changing this will be is enough to make me daydream about it at least a dozen times a day.

Reason to go #2: I'm turning 30 in two months. I'd say the time is now, yes?

Reason to go #3: Lucky for me, I work in an industry that allows me to do what I do anywhere in the entire WORLD. And being that it's the only work I've ever done, I know I'm skilled enough to take some time off from it, and come back and pick up right where I left off.

Reason to go #4: I absolutely love my friends and family, and being so close to both has been something that's always been very important to me. But these are all people who believe in living your dreams and reaching your potential, and I'm blessed to be supported by every single one of them. Besides, there's always Skype, E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Morse code, Messages in a Bottle, etc. etc. to keep us connected.

Reason to go #5: There's this really hot guy I live with who just happens to have the same goals and desires as me, and doesn't cringe at the thought of being in a moving vehicle with me 12+ hours a day. Doesn't come along very often!

Bottom line, I'm looking for a little adventure in my life. I'm not bored or tired or disconnected from where I am at this moment, but I am looking to stir things up a bit.

Nothing wrong with that, is there? :-)

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